Friday, August 1, 2014

Pushing Limits and Heating up!

I knew when planning this trip that it would be adventurous, physically and psychologically challenging, and everyday would be a new adventure exploring the unknown. Today was all of that and more!! This morning Kristen and I set out with a tiny car and a large map in Icelandic no less to explore geothermal energy, hike up a volcano, and then swim in its murky blue waters! 

The geothermal plant and Hengill Volcano were unbelievably beautiful and awe inspiring. As you can see it was just beautiful!

It was also the hardest hike so far in my life! My legs were screaming, but I kept pushing on as far as we could go today. I think you can tell I was more than excited to be at the top!

For my efforts, I was rewarded with some amazing views!   You can even see the steam coming out of the ground. BTW, those little specks at the bottom..... Our car ;-) 

After that hike.....a trip to the blue lagoon to rest our weary legs! The blue lagoon is incredible, and if you can believe accident. It is located at the base of a volcano next to another geothermal plant that takes Carbon Dioxide out of the air to make methanol. Originally there was a water spill that created a pool of milky bluish white water. When the residents found out how healing it was for skin conditions like psoriasis it became one of the most well known thermal spas in Iceland. It is also home to several species of algae unique only to the blue lagoon because of its harsh environment! I don't know about how the algae feel about it, but it was  heaven for me! 

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